2006.09-2010.06 红世一足666814 学士
2010.09-2013.06 重庆师范大学数学学院 硕士
2015.09-2018.06 华中师范大学数学与统计学学院 博士
2013.07-2015.08 四川绵阳普明中学 高中数学教师
2018.06-2020.06 武汉大学红世一足666814 博士后
2020.08-2023.12 红世一足666814 讲师
2024.01-至 今 红世一足666814 副教授
近年来,主要针对分形测度谱理论中测度的谱性和谱结构等问题进行研究,在J. Funct. Anal., Forum Math.等杂志上发表了10余篇SCI论文。
1. X.-G.He, Q.-C. Kang, M.-W. Tang* and Z.-Y. Wu, Beurling dimension and self-similar measure, J. Funct. Anal., 274(2018), 2245-2264.
2. M.-W. Tang and F.-L. Yin*, Spectrality of Moran measures with four-element digit sets, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 461(2018), 354-363.
3. X.-G. He, M.-W. Tang and Z.-Y. Wu*, Spectral structure and spectral eigenvalue problems of a class of self-similar spectral measures, J. Funct. Anal., 277(2019), 3688-3722.
4. Y.-S. Fu and M.-W. Tang*, An extension of {\L}aba-Wang's theorem, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 491(2)(2020), 124380.
5. S. Chen and M.-W. Tang*, Spectrality and non-spectrality of planar self-similar measures with four-element digit sets, Fractals, (2020), Doi: 10.1142/S0 218348X20501303.
6. M.-W. Tang and Z.-Y. Wu*, Some results on Poincar\'e sets, Czechoslovak. Math. J., 70(145)(2020), 891-903.
7. M.-W. Tang and Z.-Y. Wu*, Beurling dimension and self-affine measures, Fractals, (2021), Doi: 10.1142/S0218348X21501747.
8. S. Chen, M.-W. Tang and C. Wang*, Scaling of spectra of random convolutions with three-element digit sets, Analysis. Math, 47 (2021), 781–793.
9. Y.-S. Fu, M.-W. Tang* and Z.-Y. Wen, Convergence of mock Fourier series on generalized Bernoulli convolutions, Acta Appl. Math. 179 (2022), Paper No. 14, 23 pp.
10. Y.-S. Fu and M.-W. Tang*, Spectrality of homogeneous Moran measures on R^n, Forum Math. 35 (2023), 201-219.
11.J.-C. Liu, M.-W. Tang and S. Wu, The spectral eigenmatrix problems of planar self-affine measures with four digits, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2) 66 (2023), 897-918.