
概率系列报告(2024/5/27 10:00,报告人:周前坤)

发布人:日期:2024年05月29日 15:51浏览数:

报告题目:Forecasting Three-Pass Regression Filter Model with Time-varying Coefficients: A Rolling

Window Selection Approach

报 告 人: 周前坤 博士 (路易斯安那州立大学终身副教授)

报告时间:20245207 10:00—


报告摘要:In this paper, we introduce smooth time-varying coefficients to the three-pass regression filter (3PRF) forecasting method proposed by Kelly and Pruitt (2015). Following Inoue et al. (2017), we employ rolling window selection to estimate the parameters and to generate forecasts. The rolling window selection uses only the most recent observations, which resolves the trade-off between forecast bias and variance. We establish the optimal rate for selecting the most recent observations. Monte Carlo simulationsdemonstrate that, in general, the rolling window selection method for three-pass regression filter forecasting with time-varying coefficients produces relatively smaller forecasting mean square errors compared to the original three-pass regression filter forecasting method or the method that uses the full sample. Empirical applications of our proposed method are considered to forecast eight macroeconomic variables and market returns, which highlight the necessity of using our approach.

报告人简介:周前坤,男,现任路易斯安那州立大学经济学终身副教授和Thomas Singletary Business Partnership 荣誉教授。他于2015年在美国南加州大学获得经济学博士,于2008年在北京大学光华管理学院获得经济学硕士,于2004年在湖南师范大学获得统计学学士。他的主要研究方向是理论计量经济学和应用经济学,研究主题包括但不限于面板数据模型,非参数半参数计量模型,金融计量经济学,大数据分析,政策项目评估和处理效应的分析等。他在国际知名期刊一共发表30多篇高水平论文,这些知名期刊包括Journal of Econometrics (多篇), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Applied Econometrics (多篇), Econometric Theory (多篇)等。同时担任上述知名期刊的匿名审稿人。他曾获得北京大学五四奖学金,光华管理学院三好学生,路易斯安那州立大学商学院研究卓越奖,中国留美经济学会邹至庄最佳论文奖等。并获得了路易斯安那州立大学商学院研究生教学卓越奖和中国留美经济学会邹至庄教学资助奖等。

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