学 术 报 告
报告题目:Several problems on spectral measure theory
报告人: 何兴纲 教授(华中师范大学)
地点: 线上,腾讯会议ID: 368 724 090
摘要:In this talk we will give several problems on spectral measure theory. Those problems concentrates on the Beurlin density and dimension for singular spectral measures and on spectrality and nonspectrality of self-affine measure on one or two dimensions.
报告人简介:何兴纲,华中师范大学教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为测度论及其应用、 调和与非调和Fourier分析、分形几何、小波分析等。相关成果已发表于Adv. Math, J. Funct.Anal., J. Math. Pures Appl.等国际期刊。